After Death Body Care

After Death Body Care is a ritual, a rite of passage.

A rich experience that creates value and meaning, helping to connect us to a deep level of acceptance. This time-honoured practice has been the sacred tapestry, a final act of respect, of love and kindness towards the deceased in many cultures since the dawn of man.

Our End of Life Doulas are here to guide and support the loved ones of the deceased to participate in this special time as little or as much as they feel comfortable with. Dignity and privacy are upheld at all times, mindful of the intimate and sacred space in which we cleanse, care for, tend to and prepare the body.

Our End of Life Doulas are here to ensure that special requests, a specific faith, spiritual or cultural tradition of the deceased and loved ones are addressed, supported and honoured. Special requests can include shrouding, personalised ritual, preparation and placement for an in-home wake, a green burial or for collection of the body by a funeral home.

Our End of Life Doulas place emphasis on providing holistic and person-centered care and are mindful of the spiritual and psycho-social needs in cleansing, caring for, tending to and preparing the body at the end of life.

 Living Bridge Community Care believe that After Death Body Care and Cleansing of the Body is profoundly significant in facilitating conscious dying and supports the grieving process in a healthy and safe space. It helps us as we acknowledge the many facets that shape our understandings around mortality.

 Holistic Care for Life - Living and Dying Well